Hosting and Winning in the ViCARP-RRDEN Cluster II In-House Review
It's a triumphant win for Southern Leyte State University (SLSU) in the ViCARP-RRDEN Cluster II In-House Review it hosted at SLSU-Sogod campus on Aug. 5-6, 2015, after marine biologist faculty member Homer de Dios of SLSU-Bontoc campus, was awarded the 1st Place for Basic Research for his study "Predation and Feeding Behavior of Corallimorpharia Paracorynactis hoplites (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) on Acanthaster planci in Sogod Bay, Southern Leyte, Philippines".
Evaluators from the DOST, DENR and Naval State University, gave high marks for De Dios' study, which was the only paper in both the Basic and Applied Research categories to pass the stringent above 85% cut-off point that would qualify papers for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards and the green light for a paper presentation at the Regional ViCARP-RRDEN RDE Symposium.
Participants to this year's Cluster II Inter-Agency Review are SLSU, the Provincial LGU of Leyte and Naval State University.
Cluster II, to which SLSU belongs in the ViCARP cluster scheme, is composed of Eastern Visayas University, Naval State University, Southern Leyte State University, Provincial LGU of Leyte, Provincial LGU of Southern Leyte, and City LGU of Ormoc City.
This is SLSU's second time to host the ViCARP-RRDEN Cluster In-House Review.
Evaluators. (L-R): SLSU consultant and DOST Balik-Scientist Alejandro Tongco, DOST's Mae Ann Reyes who was Chair of the panel of evaluators, and DENR's Eugenia Bautista. Naval State University Research Director Ludito Ramirez took Tongco's place as evaluator during the evaluation of Homer de Dios' study.
SOME ADVICE. Tongco suggests the use of emergent technologies and emergent techniques in data analysis, in a brief speech shortly before the awarding ceremony.
Eduardo Zabala from the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist - Leyte (left photo) is given the 3rd prize for his Extension paper Organic Fertilizer Production in the Province of Leyte. He shares the award with Romecita Rosolada (right photo) from the SLSU-Hinunangan campus for her paper Adopt a Barangay: Integrated Extension Services for Barangay Bangcas B, Hinunangan, Southern Leyte.
Presenters and participants from Naval State University.
Presenters and participants from the Provincial LGU of Leyte.
SLSU's presenters. (L-R): Romecita Rosolada of SLSU-Hinunangan, Homer de Dios of SLSU-Bontoc, SLSU President Prose Ivy Yepes, Alex Bacalla of SLSU-Sogod and Marie Khul Langub of SLSU-Sogod who presented a paper co-authored with Tamar Mejia. Not in the picture is Wade Lim of SLSU-Hinunangan who also presented papers at the Cluster Review.